Production processes

We are not only a supplier of boron.
We are a strategic partner for our customers, aware that we must guarantee the delivery of the product, in quality and time; we maintain enough stock of raw materials, ensuring the availability of the end-product.

We keep a guarantee of at least three years for continuous production that includes plants and warehouses.

  • What is Ulexite?

    Ulexite mineral, which is a double sodium calcium borate, is present in the Uyuni salar; it is bright white mineral, formed a billion years ago.

  • Where do we get it from?

    Uyuni Salar, amid the Andes in southwest Bolivia, is the world’s largest salt flat. It’s the legacy of a prehistoric lake that went dry, leaving behind a desertlike, nearly 11,000-sq.-km.
    This source consist on about 11 layers of salt with thickness between 1 to 10 meters. Salar depth is 120 meters, which is composed of laying layers of rain and lake mud where the main compounds are lithium, boron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium.

  • How do we extract it?

    Since Uyuni has a big area, for the extraction process our technicians, as the first step, should locate the most suitable areas. After selecting the area the mineral is extracted, which is usually found about three and six meters below ground.
    This work is done with heavy machinery, bulldozers and back dozers but also human labor is used to ensure that raw material does not have impurities, cleaning it for the next refining process.

  • How do we achieve high purity in our product?

    After the extraction process, raw material is taken to the washing conditioning area for a refinement and dried processes to reduce remaining impurities, sulfur and chlorides primarily. This process takes about five days.
    After the refining is complete, raw material is wet so we dry it naturally in a large adequate area for this process, to reach required levels for the next process six to eight days are needed.

  • What processes do we use?

    We use processes developed and designed by us, with technological development and research from our technicians. Calcination, to obtain a more concentrated product. Grinding and spraying up to 300 mesh. Granulation, our process guarantees a product with unmatched hardness, density, consistency and color.

All our processes comply with industrial safety standards

Production Processes

We use natural gas, a source of pure energy that makes our process not contaminate, in accordance with our ecological principles. We comply with all industrial safety standards, in the mining, extraction and production processes, a very important issue for social responsibility.